Events in August 2003
Traditional fete, history
Handikraft sales, carousels, exhibitions, music, refreshment, wood carving...
Venetian Night August 3 (Saturday), 8 PM at Listovina
August 3 and 4 (Saturday - Sunday)
Obrazy (Images) - Blanka Sklibova
Castle Villa, open daily except Mondays 11 AM - 6 PM (Sat from 1 PM), entry 10/5 Kc
Ceremonial opening July 31 at 6 PM
Evening For Music Composer LUBOS SLUKA
Lucie Mlynarova (vocal), Ludek Sabaka (piano), Tomas Strasil (violoncello)
August 8 (Friday) at 7:30 PM, Castle Image Gallery
- Con animo - for violoncello and piano (1986)
- Ricapitolacioni - for piano (1995) - selection
- Klec pro dva slaviky (A Cage For Two Nightingales) - for viloncello and piano
- Zpivano detem (Sang To Children) - songs on lyrics by J. V. Sladek (1952)
- Andante con moto - for violoncello and piano (1989)
- Sest pisni na slova moravske lidove poezie (Six Songs On Moravian Folk Poetry) -
- Sonata - for violoncello and piano (1956)
- Kdyz hudba zni (When the Music Sounds) - song for sopran, violoncello and piano on
lyrics by Milon Cepelka (2002)
Meeting With LUBOS SLUKA And His Guests
August 15 (Friday), 7:30 PM, Castle Villa
String Orchestra of Czech Musical Youth Camp
August 29 (Friday), 6 PM, Marian Church, entry voluntary
Conductor: professor Otakar Tvrdy, special expert: Jiri Kuchvalek

- Marc Antoine Charpentier (1645/50 - 1704)
Suite for Strings (Preludium 1, Preludium 2, Sarabanda, Gigue Anglise, Gigue Francoise,
- Wofgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791)
Divertimento in D major KV 136 (Allegro, Andante, Presto)
- Jiri Jaroch (1920 - 1976)
I. Zacatek v dobre pohode - Beginning in Good Mood (Moderato)
II. Chvilka vecerniho rozjimani uprostred... - In the Middle a While of Evening
Meditation (Andante sostenuto)
III. ... a nakonec zert - and a Joke in the End (Vivo)
- Karl Dietrich
Concertino giocoso (Allegro con spirito, Tempo di Minueto, Allegro scherzando)
Balloon Sky
In 2003 the center of the event is Hradec Kralove. Anyway, several hot air balloons
are expected above Opocno during 14 - 17 August.
Veselohra na mostì (A Drollery On the Bridge) by Vaclav Klement Klicpera, DS Kodym Opocno, director Zdenek Zahradnik
Meadow behind Kodymuv narodni dum
August 1 (Friday) at 7 PM, August 2 (Saturday) at 10 AM, 3 PM, August 3 (Sunday) at 2 PM, entry 25 Kc
The cast of the play: beekeeper - Josef Machac, his wife - Alena Haskova, fisherman -
Jan Marsa, his betrothed - Jaroslava Pachovska, teacher - Jiri Falta, guards - Premek
Stejskal, Petr Fabera, commanders - Zdenek Zidka, Josef Kejval
Supoort: Jana Cimrmanova, Ladislav Cimrman, Alena Mynarikova