Events in January 2004

New Year Fireworks
1. January, Thursday, 0:15 AM, Kupkovo náměstí (Main Square)
Dance balls
Dance ball season 2004
Kodymův národní dům
Hockey Players' Ball - January 17 (Saturday)
Cafeteria for Seniors - Lucie
In the Senior Citizens' Nursing Home (Access not limited by age!), Tuesdays at 4 PM
Tříkrálové zpívání (Twelfth Night Singing) - Women Choir from Opočno sings Christmas Carols, January 6
Ajurvéda česky (Ajurvéda in Czech) - Healing procedures from India presented by Pavel Hlóška, January 13
Přechod v Bělovsi (Border Crossing in Běloves) - history and presence of an "entry gate" into Czech country presents Antonín Samek, January 20
Oteplování planety (Global Warming) - Actual scientific findings introduces ing. Václav Mareš, January 27
Theatre plays
Kamarádi (Friends) puppet play for the smallest children by Theatre Batole from Opočno
From 25 January moved to 8 February (Sunday), 3:00 and 4:30 PM, 10 Kč
January (, Kodymův národní dům (KND), PM, entry fee voluntary
Kodymův národní dům
- January 6 (Tuesday), 6 PM, (), comedy, CZ, 0 Kč, ', since the age of