Events in January 2003

New Year Fireworks
1. January, Tuesday, 0:15 AM, Kupkovo náměstí (Main Square)
Dance balls
Dance ball season 2003
Kodymův národní dům
Cafeteria for Seniors - Lucie
In the Senior Citizens' Nursing Home (Access not limited by age!), Tuesdays at 4 PM
Birds' World - Vojtěch Volf speaks about ornithology in Opočno region; audio examples of birds' voices, January 7
Country Afternoon - band Luisiana plays to listen and dance, January 14
Hands in Clay - Students of SOU and OU Opočno, led by Miroslava Knitlová demonstrate how to create earthenware; sales exhibiton of hand-made art, January 21
Skin in Winter - not only for women speaks Ilona Svobodová how to care for the skin in Winter, January 28
Theatre plays
O kalifu Čápovi aneb: Zloděj z Bagdadu - fairy tale for schools and parents with children
Actors, pupettes, and masks present Arabic scent of charm and witchery.
Theatre ensemble ELF Praha
January 29 (Wednesday), 9 AM, 20 Kč
Twelfth Night Concert
Polyphonic Ensemble from Nové Město nad Metují
January 5 (Sunday), Kodymův národní dům (KND), 4 PM, entry fee voluntary
Kodymův národní dům
- January 14 (Tuesday), 6 PM, Waterloo po česku (Czech Way of Waterloo), comedy, CZ, 30 Kč, 95', since the age of 12
- January 21 (Tuesday), 6 PM, Království ohně (Reign of Fire), sci-fi/adventure, USA, Czech subtitles, 30 Kč, since the age of 12