Events in November 2002
Cafeteria for Seniors
In the Senior Citizens' Nursing Home (Access not limited by age!), Tuesdays
at 4 PM
Colloredo Mansfelds - about the noble family history Ruzena Valaskova), November 12
Dry Beauty - decorations from dry plants (students from OU and SOU Opocno led
by Eva Hyjankova), November 19
Let's Unction - herbal ointments (Otomar Cerny from Nachod), November 22
Book - Man's Friend - (Dagmar Dvorakova from Opocno town library),
November 26
Children for Children
Plays, games... November 24 (Sunday) from 2 PM, Kodymuv narodni dum
Prepared by Opocno scouts
Saint Nicholas Celebrations
November 30 (Saturday) 3:30 - 5:30 PM, main square
3:30 Brass Ensemble from Dobruska and
Children choir CARMINA from Rychnov n. Kn.
4:00 Games, competitions
5:00 Arrival of St. Nicholas and devils
5:15 Fireworks 
(more in December)
Animals and Robbers and the Puppet Theatre (Zvirata a loupeznici a Loutkove
divadlo) performed by School of Arts Opocno
Musical fairy-tale for children, November 6 (Wednesday) 6 PM, Kodymuv narodni dum,
entrance voluntary
Treperendy - Carlo Goldoni performed by theater ensemble Sedlonov
Musical comedy, November 7 (Thursday) 7 PM, Kodymuv narodni dum, entrance 40 Kc
Dalskabaty hrisna ves - Jan Drda performed by theater ensemble Subert
Comedy, November 15 (Friday) 7:30 PM, Kodymuv narodni dum, entrance 40 Kc
Poprask na lagune performed by theater ensemble from Rychnov nad Kneznou
Comedy, November 22 (Friday) 7:30 PM, Kodymuv narodni dum, entrance 40 Kc
Kodymuv narodni dum, Tuesdays
- November 5 at 6 PM, Mexicka jizda (Y tu mama tambien / And Your Mama,
Too), Mexico/USA, road-movie, 105', entry 30 Kc, since the age of 15
- November 12 at 6 PM, Kral Skorpion (The Scorpion King), USA, horror-
comedy, 92', entry 30 Kc, since the age of 12
- November 19 at 5 PM, Mysak Stuart Little 2, USA, cartoon comedy for
children, 78', entry 30 Kc
- November 26 at 6 PM, Gosford Park, USA, Comedy Drama; Mystery, 137',
entry 30 Kc, since the age of 15, Czech subtitles
Works by children from Opocno schools. Entry will be passed to victims of summer